Best Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes Recipe (fast and easy)

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Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes recipe for fall?  Yes please!  I originally got this ideas when I saw this short YouTube video of someone that made a Paleo Pancake minus the pumpkin and spices. This Paleo Pumpkin Pancake recipe is fast to make!. Perfect paelo treat for fall only requires a few ingredients and makes a small batch. I tried it out after thinking it could be good and I really enjoyed it.  Angel and I were talking about recipes for the blog and I suggested we post a recipe based off the pancake recipe I liked.  She suggested we try adding some pumpkin.  I was a little skeptical mostly because I was scarred of my own accord for making mushy pumpkin pancakes years ago in Idaho.  I made buttermilk pumpkin pancakes all the time, so one day I thought it would be fun to add some pumpkin to the recipe to mix it up a bit. However I got a little carried away with the pumpkin and no matter how long I cooked them they were raw in middle.  My brother and sister in law politely ate them, when I served one to my wife she told me how bad they were and refused to eat them.  I even tried cooking one for 30 minutes and it was still raw pumpkin in the center! Eating straight pumpkin puree is not the most pleasant thing.  Needless to say, I tried this recipe and it came out perfectly and restored my faith in pumpkin pancakes!  However, as you can tell there is zero flour or sugar in the recipe so hence the “Paleo” in the title.  I think the pumpkin enhances the original recipe since it makes the cakes a little more moist and filling.  The color is also very nice and they stick a little less to the pan since there is less natural sugars in the recipe .  If you’re into low carb recipes or enjoy pumpkin pancakes without having to measure out a whole recipe for pancakes when it is just you and a friend, then you will definitely need to try this recipe!

This Paleo Pumpkin Pancake recipe is fast to make!. Perfect paelo treat for fall only requires a few ingredients and makes a small batch.

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Best Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes Recipe

Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time10 minutes
Course: Breakfast
Keyword: Paleo
Servings: 2
Author: Aaron Peterson


  • 2 ripe banana
  • 1/2 Cup pumpkin puree
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp Nutmeg
  • 8 eggs
  • Butter or oil for pan


  • Gather your ingredients
  • In a small bowl, mash the banana with a fork until smooth.
  • Using a spoon, mix in the pumpkin.
  • Add the spices,  stirring until well combined.
  • Add the beaten eggs to the pumpkin mixture, stirring gently until evenly
  • Heat the pan on medium-low heat, with a little butter or vegetable spread.
  • When pan is heated and butter is melted, add ¼ cup of the batter to the pan.
  • Cook for about 5-10 minutes or until the paleo pumpkin pancake is almost cooked through.
    Flip the pancake and cook an additional 2-3 minutes or until cooked through.
  • Serve with grass fed butter, pure maple syrup, fresh banana slices and a sprinkle of cinnamon for a perfect fall breakfast.

So is Maple Syrup actually Paleo?  There seems to quite a debate on this one.  You can read a pro argument here, and a con here and decide for yourself!

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I love this paleo pumpkin pancake recipe! This sounds like it would be a great breakfast on a cold morning! Love this breakfast food idea.I love this paleo pumpkin pancake recipe! This sounds like it would be a great breakfast on a cold morning! Love this breakfast food idea.




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