Layered Jell-O Recipe

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Hi Fleece Fun readers! I’m Ashlee and I love food. I mean I LOVE food, and I am so excited to share recipes with you! Today is not only my first post here it’s also my BIRTHDAY! So in honor of my birth I’m sharing my absolute favorite meal, it’s I make for myself every year for my birthday (Yes I not only make my own dinner I also make my own cake)

an easy to make and delicious layered jello that everyone loves

Today I’m sharing my Breaded Chicken tenders on my blog along with the rest of the dinner. For you guys I have my Layered Dinner jell-O. What’s DINNER jell-O? It’s a sweet side (some even call it Jell-O salad), but not QUITE a dessert. I grew up with this and two other Dinner Jell-O recipes and so to me it’s totally normal.

Layered Jell-O recipe



  • 1/2 C Butter
  • 1 C flour
  • 1/4 C brown sugar
  • 1/2 C chopped walnuts (or pecans)

Middle Layer

  • 3 oz Lime Jell-O packet
  • 1 C boiling water
  • 8 oz Cream cheese
  • 1/2 C powdered sugar
  • 1 C cool Whip

Top Layer

  • 6 oz strawberry Jell-O
  • 3 C boiling water



  • Mix Butter, flour and sugar, then add nuts. Press into glass 9x13 pan
  • bake 12-15 min at 375
  • let cool

Middle Layer

  • Dissolve Jell-O into boiling water let cool to room temp.
  • Mix cream cheese and sugar add Jell-O mix fold in cool whip.
  • Pour into crust
  • Refrigerate until firm

Top Layer

  • Dissolve Jell-O in water
  • Cool to room temp.
  • Pour into pan
  • Rrefrigerate till firm


To cool the Jello quickly - Boil only half the water and dissolve the jello, then add the rest of the water in ice form, stirring until the ice is dissolved it should be room temperature.

creating a delicious dinner jello as a side

Because we traditionally make this with the lime and strawberry Jell-O we have nicknamed this “Christmas Jell-O”. You can actually change the jell-O flavors to anything els, and create all sorts of different color combinations. I’ve done raspberry and strawberry for a pink Valentines version, and Lime and Lemon for St. Patricks day! The kids LOVE seeing the new combo’s but this classic mix is my favorite.

And I will say it’s a great way to bribe the kids to eat more of the healthier portions of dinner! I hope you enjoy the rest of my Birthday Dinner over on my blog and I can’t wait to share more recipes with you!

full birthday dinner

Breaded Chicken Recipe | Spinach Salad | Cauliflower, Broccoli with Cheese Sauce




  1. That looks wonderful! My kiddies would love it I’m sure! Reminds me of my good old family get togethers. Someone always brings some kind of Jello-O salad it seems. 🙂 love your post!


    1. It’s def a favorite with the kiddo’s! And I have a few other jell-O salad recipes in my collection that everyone loves. I had no idea how strange it was considered (and I didn’t even grow up in UT)

  2. Yesterday was my birthday too! My 4 kiddos made me a French vanilla cake, with raspberry filling, cherry flavored frosting and mint (!) sprinkles. Yes, that cake perfectly catches all the personalities of the littles in this house, ha ha. However, the flavors complimented each other much better than I expected and it was a wonderful birthday. Happy Birthday to you, too!

    1. thank you! and same to you! It’s always fun when they make something themselves. As a cake decorator I of course made my own cake… But they do make my mothers day breakfast, it’s always an interesting combo!

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