Milk and Egg Free Pumpkin Pie Tart

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Having allergies is not easy. Having kid with allergies is work. With my eldest’s allergies to milk and eggs finding recipes ( and making dinner) is a struggle.
I want to be able to expand my daughters palate, but that can be hard with her dietary restrictions. In her kindergarten class they are trying new food all through the year, and bless her teacher’s heart she really tries to include my little one in those experiences. This last thanksgiving they were trying pumpkin pie, and she was stumped and gave me a call. Did I have a recipe for an egg free pumpkin pie? Nope. Did a Google search – nada. Finally I came up with a solution so my little girl could still get the general taste of the pie!

pumpkin pie tart recipe
At Trader Joe’s they sell this wonderful item called pumpkin butter (if you follow me on Instagram you’ve seen my husband’s pumpkin haul from the store). The pumpkin butter is milk and egg free, and the pre-made pie crust at the store are also milk and egg free.
So here’s the recipe:
Cut pie crust into shapes, spoon pumpkin butter into center, pinch edges with a fork. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Bake at 350 for 10 to 15 minutes.
That’s it! They’re yummy and my daughter gets the pumpkin flavoring to try!
Do any of you have allergies you need to cook around at home?




  1. I’ve made apple “butter” for eons, literally. Pumpkin butter would be so simple to make at home. The apple sauce is cooked with spices and sugar of your choice until thick and dark. You could use canned or fresh pumpkin to achieve the same result. Low and slow is the way to go :-). Low heat, slow cooked :-). Thanks for the pielet the shapes.

  2. I have the allergy to dairy and that is difficult enough since I was diagnosed in my 40’s, but having children with allergies must be more difficult. Thanks for this idea, they sound yummy!!

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