The best bread recipe

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When my husband and I were newlyweds I had a strong desire to make bread for my new husband. I want to try this bread recipe. it looks really yummy and love how detailed her instructions are. Honey oatmeal buckwheat bread - I'm in! For some reason I imagined that part of being the perfect wife would entail making home made bread.  I am certain that a perfume that smelled like fresh bread would attract most men (save any celiacs)…  eau de fresh homemade bread.  Dibs on my Shark Tank Idea.  But I digress.  So in my newlywed determination to make my darling husband happy I tried to make bread.  And failed. And tried and failed.  And tried and well you get the idea.

My husband could sense my frustration.  He suggested that his mother teach me how to make her favorite bread recipe.  Now some women might be offended by this but the truth is I absolutely love and adore his mom (I totally lucked out in the mother in law department) so I agreed.

From her I learned a key secret when it comes to having success with bread.  Soy Lecithin.  Soy lecithin is an emulsifier commonly used in bakeries and it key to good bread.  It’s also safe for my little ones that have milk and egg allergies.

I’ve made this recipe several times over our marriage and it has never failed me.  Since that first lesson I’ve taken the recipe my mother in law showed me and made my own modifications to it to make (what I believe) is the best recipe.

I know this recipe is a lot of work, but believe me when you try that first warm slice covered in butter and dripping with honey – it will be worth it.

The best bread recipe

Course: bread
Author: Angel Hickman Peterson


  • 2 1/2 c warm water
  • 1/4 c Honey
  • 1/4 c wheat gluten flour
  • 1 T salt
  • 1 1/2 TLiquid Soy Lecithin
  • 1/4 c oil
  • 1 T active dry yeast
  • 3 c Oatmeal
  • 3 c whole wheat flour
  • 2-3 c flour


  • Measure warm water in the mixing bowl. Using a wire whisk at a medium speed add ingredients honey to Oatmeal, in the order listed.
  • Insert dough hook into mixer and at a higher speed begin to mix. Set the timer for 5 minutes. Add the flour slowly. Continue to add flour until dough pulls away from sides and is not too tacky.. Cover and let rest for 10 minutes.
  • Then mix on medium for 10 more minutes..
  • Remove dough hook, and cover bowl with plastic wrap sprayed with cooking spray, and then a towel. Let dough rise for 90 minutes, and may need to be punch down several times..
  • After rising form dough into 2 loaves, allow to rise to desired shape.
  • Bake in pre heated oven 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes.
  • Cool completely on wire racks, and cover with a towel while cooling.


I want to try this bread recipe. it looks really yummy and love how detailed her instructions are. Honey oatmeal buckwheat bread - I'm in!



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