Perfect Chemistry Cake Recipe (Milk and Egg Free)

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This cake is a staple in our household.  With two kiddos allergic to milk and eggs we need recipes for birthdays, holidays, etc.  This looks so yummy and it's milk and egg free! Awesome. The ingredients in this cake recipe look inexpensive too.This cake is so good that those of us who can indulge in milk and eggs without breaking into hives love it.  Moist, chocolaty and inexpensive ingredients make this recipe and instant winner. 

Are you tired of missing out on delicious cakes because of food allergies? Look no further! Our Perfect Chemistry Cake recipe is not only mouth-wateringly good, but it’s also completely milk and egg-free. Get ready to indulge in a treat that everyone can enjoy, without compromising on taste or texture. Let’s dive into this allergy-friendly delight and satisfy your sweet tooth like never before!

Perfect Chemistry Cake Recipe and its unique name

Imagine indulging in a decadent slice of cake that not only satisfies your sweet tooth but also caters to your dietary restrictions. Enter the Perfect Chemistry Cake Recipe – a delightful treat specially crafted for those with milk and egg allergies. This innovative dessert is bound to tantalize your taste buds while keeping allergens at bay. So, get ready to embark on a culinary journey filled with flavor and creativity!  It’s called chemistry cake because it leavens from a reaction between the vinegar, baking soda and cocoa.  It’s a yummy science experiment!

Why it’s a great option for those with milk and egg allergies

For individuals with milk and egg allergies, finding delicious and allergy-friendly dessert options can often be a challenge. The Perfect Chemistry Cake Recipe offers a solution by being both scrumptious and safe for those with dietary restrictions.

Not only does this cake cater to specific allergies, but it also proves that flavor and texture don’t have to be compromised when baking without traditional ingredients. The end result is a moist, flavorful cake that will satisfy even the most discerning sweet tooth.

Whether you’re personally affected by food allergies or simply want to broaden your culinary horizons, the Perfect Chemistry Cake Recipe presents an opportunity to indulge in a delightful dessert experience while prioritizing inclusivity.

For a milk free frosting recipe you can visit this recipe.

This looks so yummy and it's milk and egg free! Awesome. The ingredients in this cake recipe look inexpensive too.

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Perfect Chemistry Cake Recipe (Milk and Egg Free)

Author: Angel Hickman Peterson


  • 1 1/2 c flour
  • 1 c plus 2 tsp sugar
  • 3 T baking cocoa
  • 1 1/2 c water
  • 6 T vegetable oil
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 T white vinegar


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Grease a 9 by 9 pan.
  • Mix dry ingredients together and then add liquids. Blend together well. Note: The addition of the Vinegar will cause the batter to foam and bubble - that's a good thing!
  • Pour cake mix into the greased pan. Bake for 25 to 35 minutes. Test with a toothpick, if it comes out clean it's ready.
  • Allow to cool, then frost. Cupcakes will alos work with this recipe - you will need to adjust the cook time.

Tips and tricks for making the perfect chemistry cake

Looking to elevate your baking game with the perfect chemistry cake recipe? Here are some tips and tricks to ensure a successful bake every time.

To achieve that beautiful rise in your cake, sift your dry ingredients together thoroughly before incorporating them into the wet mixture. This ensures a light and airy texture.

Don’t overmix the batter once you’ve added the dry ingredients; gently fold them in until just combined to avoid a dense cake. 

Add the vinegar to the cake, gently mix and get it into the oven quickly – those bubbles are the vinegar reacting and there is a short window to get that light fluffy cake texture in the oven.

Lastly, invest in good quality non-stick pans to prevent any sticking mishaps when it’s time to remove your delicious creation from the oven. Happy baking!

This cake is YUMMY!  Once frosted it stays moist for days.  It’s out go to cake for our little ones with allergies.  Note:  We’ve tried to make this cake without the cocoa and it doesn’t’ work.  The cocoa adds to the chemical reaction that leavens the cake.

This looks so yummy and it's milk and egg free! Awesome. The ingredients in this cake recipe look inexpensive too.



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