6 (and a half) ways to engage kids in Christmas

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six ways to involved kids in Christmas

Kids find Christmas exciting! Santa! Presents! And waiting for the big day. Lots of waiting. Torturous waiting. December might fly by for adults but it drags on forever for a little kid. Here are a few fun ideas to help keep your little kid in the holiday spirit.

1. Give to others.

There are so many opportunities to give during the holidays – involve your kids. Take them shopping for a child in need. Take some canned food to the local food bank. Explain to them the importance of charity and the joy of giving.

2. Decorate for Christmas (over and over)

Kids love to decorate. Giving them their own tree to decorate (and redecorate) will keep them happy and occupied. And bonus – they’ll leave your tree alone! Have them make ornaments for it to make it their own.

3. Include them in your traditions

I have a music box collection that I take out every Christmas. My children love to hear the music and watch the simple movements on them. This year I let them have a couple of my old music boxes that I don’t usually decorate with. They love being a part of my little tradition, and decorations that would normally sit in the box are getting loved and building memories.

4. Have them make a gift by hand.

Making simple gift for their friends makes for a fun activity and add a new appreciation for gifts.

5. Have them plan activities.

Kids have great ideas. Let them take charge and come up with activities. By being flexible and trying something new – your family might come up with a new tradition!

6. Bake together.

I know you have to get those holiday cookie plates to the neighbors, but kids love to help in the kitchen. It’s messy, it can sometimes be painful, but they just want to learn and be a part of it.

6 1/2 . Just play with the dough!

Let them have a piece of dough to play with over and over – here’s a great egg free recipe.

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