19 ideas for secret love notes

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February makes us all think about valentines, love and relationships.

free valentines note heart printable

Sometimes small things can go a long way in showing someone you care about how much you love and appreciate all that they do for you.  Here’s some ways and ideas you can use in writing secret love notes.  Notes are a time honored tradition.  There is something wonderful about physical proof of one’s love for another person.  Love notes survive long after the writers do,  inspiring future generations with compassion,  joy, and thoughtfulness.

Here are some fun ideas of what to write in them and where to hide them!  Plus at the bottom there’s a free printable to get you started!

Keep it Simple Sweetheart! (KISS) Ideas for a note:

Have a hard time getting started on a note for your sweetheart?  Here are some great ideas to get your inner writer going

1. It doesn’t have to long.  Keep it short to the point.  A few nice words can have a big punch!

2. Tell them one little thing they do for you that you really appreciate.  My husband will make me pancake dinners – it’s a little wonderful thing that I love about him.  

3. Reminisce about a favorite memory you two share together.  Remind them of that trip or fun time that you had and how you felt about them.

4. Tell them a quality that you admire in them.  Do they sing well?  Play the piano?  Organize things?  Tell them of a talent that you admire in them.

5. It doesn’t have to be for you husband/wife/ boyfriend/girlfriend/ significant other.  Consider writing notes to your kids, grandkids, friends and others that you care for in your life!  Valentines is about love – NOT about just that one special somebody.  Spread to love to those who need it.

6. Tell them how much you appreciate that they are part of your life.  Sometimes people just need a reminder that their continual presence is appreciated and wanted

7. It doesn’t have to be just before valentines.  Little notes should be sprinkled throughout the year for  effectiveness.

8. Include a little picture.   With your note enclose a little picture of the two of you together.

9. When at a loss of words head to Shakespeare’s sonnets – most of them are short and sweet.  You can find them here.

sweet valentines noteHide them in the perfect spot

This can be tricky you want them hidden in a place where they will still discover them, but not make it too obvious.

10.  Hide them in there iPad or laptop.  When they open it to check there mail – they actually have some!

11. Are they a gym buff?  Tape it to their gym card.

12.  Taped to the steering wheel or gearshift of their vehicle.  Before they head out for the day give them an emotional lift.

13.  The inside of their glove.  When they get bundled up they’ll find something that will warm their heart.

14.  Stick it on their phone.  Are they always checking their smart phone?  Give them a physical reminder of why you think they’re special.

15. Put it at their dinner plate.  Slide a note next to their dinner plate to their plate for some pleasant food for thought.

16. Stick it on their pillow.  They’ll have sweet dreams about you!

17.  Tape it to their cereal box/favorite snack.  When they reach for fuel you can surprise them

18.  Tape it to the snow shovel/ dishwasher/ other item that is a mundane task.  A little note that you appreciate even the less glamorous things that they do.

19.  Don’t worry about them being discovered int he right time frame.  Sometimes finding a note weeks ( or months) later can really brighten someone’s day.

 Grab the free printable here:

For personal use only, not for sale or mass distribution.  This is on “loan” only –  you have no rights to resell or distribute this artwork. You can download the free pdf printable here:

heart notes banner

Love Valentines?  You’ll love these freebies!  (click picture to go to) :

Banner true love feature


  1. Thank you for all these wonderful ideas and patterns! My daughter, who is 6 years old, got her own sewing machine for her birthday last year. She is amazing. Your patterns are just what I have been searching for, for her to learn and improve her burgeoning seamstress skills. I wish I had this kind of thing when I was young. I love to sew, but I am not great at it. I wanted her to grow up knowing this great, creative, and useful skill! Thanks so much for helping me help my little girl to learn and grow! Even my boys are interested and have started to make their own creations. Double thumbs up for helping me cross the gender divide and show them it is “cool” to sew 🙂

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